Share with me one picture of your favorite place on Mother Earth and receive 40% OFF any custom hoop purchase. Good till MIDNIGHT tonight (4-22-13 MST). Limit one hoop per person. Want a FREE polypro practice hoop instead? Share the post on Facebook and comment with one thing you can do each day to help make this world a better place. Illumi-Nation Hoops on Facebook |
As a child growing up in a rural area, I’ve always been close to nature. I’ve found many neat little areas exploring around that became my new “favorite” places, from squishy floored pine groves to wooded streams and huge fields perfect for stargazing. My favorite place on all of Earth, though, has yet to be found, as I can’t afford to do the travelling that I long for. There are places, though, that I truly believe will be everything I’ve dreamed of and more when I really can visit someday. I’d like to see the Galapagos Islands and bond with all the unique and fantastic wildlife, most places in the Caribbean (for those pearly white beaches and warm ocean waves), and, someday, I really want to visit New Zealand. From what I’ve seen and read, every bit of this country is wonderful, with tall mountains and lush rain-fed forests and sparkling lakes and waterfalls and everything in between. I want to go there, someday, for a lengthy stay… if I can even bear to leave at all! Here’s a good picture to show you what I mean:
Does the time limit mean I have to use my coupon today? If so, well, I just don’t have the money in the bank today to make a purchase, but I’m still happy to share my hopes for the future with you. Keep doin’ what you do because you’re awesome at it and you fill the world with happy colorful hoopers. <3 Namaste, from Jenna
Hi there! I did the above on Facebook and am curious about how to get the free polypro after following those steps! Thanks!
Thanks! There will be a drawing at midnight (MST) from all those who have shared!
I’ve never been there but i’ve always been impressed by the perfect shapes of nature, including the circle <3
The Great Blue Hole, Belize :